Myth or not: staining spoils hair (and not only)

What we just did not hear about staining! For example, you can’t just take it and repaint from a dark to a light shade so as not to damage the hair, the chemicals in the paint can cause allergies, and it’s generally better to walk with a natural color until gray hair appears. So what to do with all this.

Gathered seven of the most popular myths about staining and, in order to finally reduce the degree of anxiety, turned to Giuseppe Castaldi, art director of Aldo Coppola Seasons.

Myth # 1: staining spoils hair

Yes, but only in cases where they are already damaged. If you apply low-quality dye to them, this can make the situation worse. But more often it’s not paint that harms the hair, but a bleach.

Myth number 2: the yellow pigment can not be avoided if the brunette wants to dye her blonde

If you change the color of your hair from dark to light without using a brightener, you really can’t avoid the yellow pigment. But here a quality dye will help. It is important to choose the right shade, which only the super professional can do. Lightening is not a quick process. First you need to remove the previous staining, then again “clean” that pigment that appeared after washing. It must be lightened and re-tinted again. If you follow all these steps, the risk of getting a yellow tone is greatly reduced.

Myth # 3: masks wash color

Yes, some masks are really capable of it. For example, products for blondes contain alcohol to “clean” the shade. For fair hair, such a composition is suitable, but otherwise it may leach pigment. And alcohol can be part of the styling foam or indelible oils. Alcohols in cosmetics are a very wide group, united only by the termination or hydroxyl group of OH, so before buying a product, it is better to familiarize yourself with the composition. In the products for colored hair should be appropriate for your shade pigments. Also, do not be afraid of silicones (only if you have straight hair) and natural ingredients.

Myth No. 4: Special care for dyed hair is useless.

As we have already found out, the composition of such care should be pigments. Dyed hair, like colored clothes, sooner or later lose color saturation. To avoid this, once every two weeks you can do the procedure with funds with the desired pigment. Usually masters use tinted shampoos and special masks.

Myth # 5: dyed hair is more docile

It’s true, besides they are less confused. The paint makes the hair denser and, accordingly, the fluff is neutralized.  To know more, check out: 1b hair color

Myth number 6: pregnant women should not dye their hair

Everything that we apply to the hair penetrates the skin, and chemicals can really cause a reaction in pregnant women. And although modern dyes allow women to stain in position, everything is very individual. Often in such cases, we use henna. Thanks to the natural dye, all risks are reduced to zero.

Myth number 7: staining quality often depends on hormonal levels.

The hormonal cycle can indeed affect the quality of staining. For example, the dye does not work one hundred percent and the color is either darker or lighter. Depends on what happens to the body. For example, in the early days of the cycle, testosterone rises and produces more sebum. For 3-4 days, estrogen replaces and makes the scalp drier. But the way paint dies on the hair at this time is usually very individual, you just need to remember that uneven dyeing during this period is really possible.

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